martes, 7 de mayo de 2019

Dear movies

The first time I went to the cinema my godmother took me. I do not go to the movies so often, but I’ve seen a lot of shows on Netflix with my mom. In general, the kind of films I like are dramas, mystery, psychological terror, maybe fantasy and I love musicals especially for all the staging, the choreography and all that. I don't have a favorite film director, but I prefer the European cinema. In fact, the best movie I’ve seen in this year was “Mar adentro” a Spanish film about euthanasia, it’s so emotional and dramatic.  And the last movie that I saw it was “The others”, a terror film. 
I can’t choose one favorite film, but like lately I’ve seen more series, I can see I have a favorite TV series: “Dark” a German television serial about a little town that lives around a nuclear plant and where disappearances of children occur. In the course reveal different secrets that hide four families around the disappearances, their personal stories and the nuclear plant.  
I like this series a lot because it has a very entertaining and complex plot among the families that star it, for the theories about time-space that it poses and because it is a series that keeps you attentive to every detail that happens, which contributes to suspense and mystery. In June of 2019 the new season comes out and I think I'll have to see it again. I've seen it twice but I would see it again because every time I discover new pieces of the puzzle, that's why I really recommend it. 

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2019

My favourite piece of technology

She is “Preciosa”, my photographic camera, I choose that name inspired by a character from “Ice Age”, which was basically the mascot of a crazy old woman, a whale. Anyway, I got it a year ago, when finally I could buy it, after having worked for it. I felt very fulfilled when I finally had it in my hands, because this was a goal I had a long time ago. Now that I have it, I try to use it as much as I can, although I would like to use it more. But it has been my salvation in college and very important tool. I would love to take her with me always, but being an object of great value, it makes me a little afraid that I will be assaulted and robbed of it, so that’s why I do not take it out so much. But every time I travel, I take her with me no matter what. I guess without her today I would know very little about photography, because I could not put it into practice. 

this is a picture I took in the summer


 When it comes to time travel my curiosity beats fear. I think my first referent of that was Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, that ...