lunes, 22 de mayo de 2023


 When it comes to time travel my curiosity beats fear. I think my first referent of that was Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, that story made me understand that time travel is a serious thing, and that perhaps it is better to live the present intensely. 

Sometimes I feel like changing things from the past or going to give me some advice to take things more calmly or not give so much importance to what ailed me in the past.

But anyway I would like to travel to the future, and know what will happen in the world and in Chile in the next century or a thousand years. Knowing what happened to the ecosystem or how the human species evolved seems fascinating to me, but in the same time I am afraid of knowing what will happen to the planet, that is something that anguishes me in the present. Now that I write it, it doesn't sound so good. If my doomsday predictions are true, I think I would just go take a look and come back to enjoy and value life in the present.

Anyway, leave movie recommendations about time travel in the comments please!

1 comentario:

  1. I have no more time travel movie recommendations except for Adam Sandler's movie! haha sorry



 When it comes to time travel my curiosity beats fear. I think my first referent of that was Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, that ...