martes, 18 de junio de 2019

My idol Catalina Rayo

More than admire, I have a lot of respect for my teacher Catalina Rayo Calderón. She is my professor of “Cinema Theory”, his class leave me thinking about the contents and topics that the films have dealt with throughout history. She is a Chilean academic licensed of Art from the Pontificia Universidad Católica MA in Film Studies from Columbia University, New York, and MA in Digital Journalism from the University of Santiago. She has a six year of work and educational experience in the field of audiovisual and film, also she dedicated to doing independent research, oil painting and independent translation. In his research has addressed the issues of Women's cinema, Feminism and Marxism, Art and Cinema Theory. Some of his work are: "¿Cómo debería verse un filme feminista?: Sara Gómez y de cómo la igualdad de género es problemática en la Cuba revolucionaria de los años 70s” or “Cine Rojo en la China de Mao: Una lectura profunda al filme de Xie Jin, The Red Detachment of Women (1961)”. Finally I admire her because although she is a very literate and well-educated person, she is very simple, in addition to being a person with very defined ideals and who is consistent with them.

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