martes, 30 de abril de 2019

The long road of how I chose my career

When I was just a little girl, smaller than now, I wanted to be a dancer, painter or veterinarian. I was six years old when I was like to make drawings and sculptures, that is registered in photos, so I was always interested in art and aesthetics in some way. Since I was a child I have danced in different academies, also my parents are actors, then I have always been closely linked to scenic arts. But, at a time in my life I loved the dinosaurs, because I played a video game about then, so I wanted to be paleontologist. Anyway, that is the closest to I have been to science. In the high school History become my favorite subject, which motivated me to choose the social science plan, but in the fourth degree I decided to change to the artistic plan. At that time my options were very varied:  Arts, photography, geography, architecture, art history, design... but none could convince me. Finally, I decided to study cinema because I found an option in which I could work with many things that I liked. So far, the career has been challenging, the hardest thing has been the group work. But what I enjoy the most is see movies and the works of my classmates. I would like to have a job where I can forma good work teams and find challenges you to grow, evolve and succeed. 

martes, 16 de abril de 2019

My biography

Hello I’m Antonia Miranda, this is my blog and on it I will tell you about my life.
I was born in Independecia, Santiago de Chile. In my most tender childhood I grew up in La Florida, and I went to Blanca Nieves Kindergarden. After that, with my family we went to live to Puente Alto to the present. Then I went to San Francisco de Asís School, In there I started to dance and I discovered (developed) this hobbie, over time I attended to different dance academies and I learned so much dance styles, like technical or jazz dance, and other urban styles like hip hop, dancehall, reggaeton and girly.
When I was in seventh grade I started to study in Liceo Carmela Carvajal de Prat High School, where I made my best friends to this day. Practically at the same time, I joined a scout group where I made some very good friends and I met my boyfriend. I graduated in 2018 and nowadays I study Cine y Televisión at the University of Chile.


 When it comes to time travel my curiosity beats fear. I think my first referent of that was Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, that ...